
Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich

Oettingenstraße 67

80538 Munich

This website was built using WordPress and MySQL, with the Twenty-Twenty-Four Theme as basis.

For any website-specific inquiries, please contact Lorenz.Sommer{at} For any content-specific questions, feel free to contact making-security{at}, unless otherwise specified (eg. for the unpublished manuscripts, refer to the indicated e-Mail address).

Disclaimer: The map on the Project Description page was created using R and RStudio. The security-field images were created using Canvas.

External resources used on this website are:

The Research Gate Icon: By Rejol – Own work, CC0,

The Google Scholar Icon: Google, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Any other images used on the site are our own.